Welcome to The Lighthouse!
Every month, you will find here the list of events I offer at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA as well as online or in the different countries I visit. Everyone of the events is dedicated to help you, with the help of our beloved Angels, heal and empower yourself, raise your consciousness, and co-create again HEAVEN on EARTH!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 to you and your loved ones, my Dears!
May this be a year of great awakening and deep transformation for you personally,
as well as for the whole of humanity!
Let us all ask our Angels for their most loving support and Divine inspiration!
Numerologically, we have now entered the year of the "1":
2+0+1+7 = 10 and 1+0 = 1
The "1" stands tall, strong and powerful among the other numbers.
The "1" announces not only new beginnings, it also brings new inspiration,
new strength and courage to create the new phase of our life.
In order to help us become the wise creator during this New Year 2017,
we receive the help of the ROOSTER, the first one who awakens on the farm,
and announces the upcoming dawn with a shrill crowing even before anybody else
has become aware of the rising sun... How appropriate is this metaphor!
As my special gift to you (or your loved ones!) for the New Year, I am offering
a TAROT READING for $99/hour, instead of the usual $150.
If you are eager to find out what the New Year 2017 holds for you,
the Tarot cards will give you great inspiration and confidence.
To celebrate the Year of the "1", let me invite you to THE LIGHTHOUSE!
Please, mark your calendars and feel free to join us for any of the events, workshops or classes I am offering this year.
Please, scroll down for further details:
ANGEL CIRCLE from 7:30 to 9:30 pm
Wednesday, January 25th
Friday, February 10th
Monday, March 6th
REIKI PRACTICE from 7:30 to 9:30 pm
Monday, January 16th
Tuesday, February 7th
Thursday, March 2nd
A 4-week class starting on Friday, January 20th from 7:30 to 9:30 pm
The next 3 classes will be scheduled together with the participants
A 4-week morning class starting on Thursday, January 26th, from 10 to 11:30 am,
to be continued on February, 2nd, 9th & 16th
Saturday, January 28th from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm
Saturday, February 25th from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
A 1-year class with monthly meetings starting on Sunday, March 5th
Also reserve your individual session:
Angel session,
Tarot reading,
Reiki treatment,
Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapy,
Regression into a Past or Future Life,
Mediumistic session with your deceased loved ones
A communication with your beloved pet
Your session will be held in the language of your choice: English, French or German.
To book your session, or reserve your seat to the class/workshop of your choice,
please, call Geneviève at 650-714-7536
or email: gvulser@gmail.com
Gift cards for individual sessions are available all year round
for birthdays, special celebrations and for the Holidays.
Please, scroll down for further information on the events & workshops!
starting on Friday, January 20th, 2017
for those who are ready to raise their consciousness and co-create Heaven On Earth!
Are you ready to raise your frequencies and prepare yourself for the New Earth?
We find ourselves in an accelerated mode of transformation on our beloved Planet as we leave behind the old 3-dimensional ways, and make ourselves ready to step into the 5th dimensional experience,
evolving again as beings of Love, Compassion, Cooperation & Unity.
We are finally reaching the end of an old paradigm of seemingly unending struggle between the Light and the dark forces.
The forces of Light are winning.
How do we best manage these challenging times?
How can we prepare ourselves and evolve spiritually with our Planet?
How can we hold a vision of hope in spite of all the chaos around us?
How can we believe that we are truly heading toward
a joyful future in which all life on the Planet will blossom
as we create Heaven on Earth?
With the help of our Angels and Ascended Masters,
we will give answers to all of these questions and more
during the new 4-week class I am offering at The Lighthouse:
"Your Pathway To Ascension"
starting on Friday, January 13, 2017!
This class will offer you tools to raise your frequency, develop your intuition,
connect with your Angels and Ascended Masters who accompany you on
your Path to Ascension, and rediscover your Divine potential.
With each class, you will receive a recording of the guided Meditation,
inspired from the ancient Mystery Schools
Class fee for the 4-week class: $250
The following classes will be scheduled in class to match the participants' schedules.
A 4-week morning class starting on Thursday, January 26th, from 10 to 11:30 am,
to be continued on February, 2nd, 9th & 16th 2017
If you have always wished you could meditate,
and learn how to fully let go of the stress, worry or anxiety
to finally bring Peace into your life, this is the class for you!
Your Angels are there to help you connect with your Higher Self
and access your inner wisdom to transform your life
and create a life of MIRACLES!
The class will be held at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA
Class Fee: $250
Registration per email at: gvulser@gmail.com
Call 650-714-7536 for more info!
Saturday, January 28th from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm
from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm
Reïki is one of the most powerful and easy to learn Energy Healing methods
at our disposition on the planet!
Not only do you re-discover how to heal yourself, you also learn how to help others heal themselves for all physical, mental, emotional & spiritual needs.
During the class, you will receive your attunements and Certificate
as a Reiki 1st Degree practitioner.
Saturday, November 15th, 2016 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
During the Reïki 2nd Degree class, you will receive the 3 Reïki symbols that allow you to empower yourself even more as a channel for the healing energies of Reïki.
One of the symbols gives you the possibility to send powerful long-distance healing to those is in need who have no possibility to be present locally.
During the class, you will receive your attunements and Certificate
as a Reiki 2nd Degree practitioner.
Join us for the Reïki Practice on:
Monday, January 16th
Tuesday, February 7th
Thursday, March 2nd
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
Whether you already received your Reïki attunements, or are simply interested in discovering the amazing healing power of Reïki, do join the practice!
You are welcome!
Bring your friends and family members who are interested!
Energy exchange: $20 at the door
Do join us for the next Angel Circles at The Lighthouse
on Wednesday, January 25th
Friday, February 10th
Monday, March 6th
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm!
The ANGEL CIRCLES offer you the possibility to reconnect with the Divine in the company of our Angels and experience the amazing support we receive as soon as we ask. Our Angels bring magic into your life!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
Invite your family members and friends to join you to the next Angel Circle!
Everyone is welcome!
Energy exchange: $20 at the door
with your Angels' loving guidance!
Come meet your Angels
and bring HEALING into all areas ofyour life!
Geneviève offers a wide variety of Healing Sessions for individuals, partners, children or for your pets, all of which are aimed at helping you regain a higher level of well-being, whether your needs are of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature.
Sessions are held in person at The Lighthouse,
on the phone,
or on Skype,
in English, French or German.
You have a choice of:
- An Angel Session,
- A Reïki Treatment,
- A Tarot Reading,
- A clinical or medical Hypnotherapy session
- A Regression into a Past - or Future! - Life,
- A Mediumistic Communication With Your Loved Ones
- A communication with your beloved pet
- NEW! A private Angel Workshop hosted at your home, especially for your family and friends who are eager to know more about Angels!
As my special gift to you (or your loved ones!) for the New Year, I am offering
a TAROT READING for $99/hour, instead of the usual $150.
If you are eager to find out what the New Year 2017 holds for you,
the Tarot cards will give you great inspiration and confidence.
Check out my website for more information on each form of treatment:
To schedule your personal session, and/or offer a treatment or a session
to your friends and family members,
contact Geneviève at: gvulser@gmail.com
or call: 650-714-7536
ANGEL CIRCLE this Friday, October 7th at 7:30 pm at The Lighthouse
So many of us on the Planet feel how we have had enough of all the wars and corruption everywhere we look.
Deep in our hearts, we are ready for PEACE ON EARTH!
And our Angels do confirm that we have reached the time of the Shift when we finally
CREATE Peace On Earth.
Some of you might wonder; but how do you want us to accomplish such an "impossible" task?
One step at a time.
One person at a time.
As we raise our consciousness and become again the luminous being who we are, we regain the power, the capacity to CREATE PEACE.
Each one of us can choose to contribute to the creation of Peace on Earth by creating PEACE in their HEART.
If you feel the deep calling of your Soul, let me invite you to the next Angel Circle I am offering at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA this coming Friday, October 7th from 7:30 to 9:30 PM!
I am very much looking forward to seeing you there and doing our part to co-create HEAVEN ON EARTH!
Dear Friends,
Here is a reminder for 3 wonderful events I am offering this week in the Bay Area. I hope to see you there. Please, scroll below to get all the information you need and register at gvulser@gmail.com or call 650-714-7536.
- AN AFTERNOON WITH THE ANGELS at Jackie's in Los Altos, CA on Sunday, October 2nd from 1 to 4 pm
- REIKI MASTER CLASS - a 1 -year class with monthly meetings starting Saturday, October 1st at 10 am at The Lighthouse
- ANGEL CIRCLE at Rama's in Palo Alto on Thursday, September 29th from 7:30 to 9:30 pm
> On Sunday, October 2nd from 1 to 4 pm, my wonderful friend Jackie is opening the doors to her beautiful home in Los Altos, CA for us to spend
This interactive workshop has been designed for those of you who have always wished you could receive clear guidance from your Angels, maybe even see them, and finally get the help you have been longing for.
Come spend an afternoon with your Angels and learn how to reconnect with these magnificent Beings of Light who have been with us all along and rejoice so much at the idea that we are finally opening ourselves up to them!
Our Angels help us remember who we are and re-empower ourselves.
Their biggest wish is to help us reconnect with our Divine Source and start creating a world of Peace, Love and Joy here on Earth!
Come and transform your life with your Angels' loving support!
Ask all the questions you always wanted to ask!
Registration per email at: gvulser@gmail.com
Call 650-714-7536 for more info!
A 1-year class with monthly meetings starting this Saturday, October 1st, 2016
A truly transformational class, a class of Mastery and Enlightenment to help you become the Spiritual Master you already are within.
Please, contact Geneviève if you are interested: gvulser@gmail.com
Following the Usui tradition, you need to have received the 1st and 2nd Degree attunements in order to be able to join the Master Class.
For 16 years now, we have been holding the Angel Circles together twice a month, raising our consciousness and consciously helping create Heaven On Earth.
We have now reached the times when, receiving so much influx of Light, we finally notice the change happening, whether personally, individually or globally. It is happening!
And more than ever, Gaïa needs our help so she may return to her original 5-D state of being, an experience of Joy, Love, Compassion, Expansion, Abundance and Peace for all!
Join us this Thursday, September 29th from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at Rama's
681 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto, CA
Please, mark your calendars for the following Angel Circles this fall 2016:
Friday, October 7th at The Lighthouse in Redwood City
Thursday, October 20th at Rama's in Palo Alto
Monday, November 7th at The Lighthouse
Monday, November 14th at Rama's in Palo Alto
Wednesday, December 7th at The Lighthouse
Monday, December 12th at Rama's in Palo Alto
Join us for an evening of deep reconnection with the Divine in the company of our Angels. The bi-monthly Angel Circles help you rediscover the amazing support our Angels are ready to give us at any time we ask, and bring magic into your life!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
Invite your family members and friends to join us for the next Angel Circle!
Everyone is welcome!
As we live through these highly turbulent times, we are invited to remain centered and peaceful, trusting that, as we ask, we receive help from our Divine Source through her loving Angels who are so dedicated to us.
Let me invite you to join us this Monday, September 13th for the ANGEL CIRCLE at the Lighthouse from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.
As we come together, we have an opportunity to open our hearts to our beloved Angels and recharge our batteries to become again the peaceful, loving and compassionate being we are in truth.
Join us for an evening of deep reconnection with the Divine in the company of our Angels. The bi-monthly Angel Circles help you rediscover the amazing support are ready to give us at any time we ask and bring magic into your life!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
Invite your family members and friends to join you to the next Angel Circle! Everyone is welcome!
Please, mark your calendars for the upcoming Angel Circles this fall:
- Monday, September 19th at Rama's in Palo Alto
- Friday, October 7th at The Lighthouse
- Thursday, October 20th at Rama's in Palo Alto
- Monday, November 7th at The Lighthouse
- Monday, November 14th at Rama's in Palo Alto
- Wednesday, December 7th at The Lighthouse
- Monday, December 12th at Rama's in Palo Alto
I am so happy to invite you for an exciting
FREE Event on Saturday, August 20th at 7:30 PM
and/or a workshop full of joy and laughter on Sunday, August 21st from 1 to 4 PM
at East-West Bookstore in Mountain View, CA:
My musical children, lovingly called "The Van Trapp" family by their fans, have recently arrived from Germany.
It will be my special pleasure to introduce them to you:
my oldest daughter Katja, her husband Timo
and three of their four children: Leon (17), Simon (12) and Laura (9 years old)
for these 2 events at East-West Bookstore!
They are all ready to share with you their love for music, singing and dancing,
together with our Angels' loving support will help us re-discover the high frequency of JOY
and the healing power of connecting with the Divine!
Bring your children and grandchildren! Everyone is welcome!
Here comes all the info:
Saturday, August 20, 2016 - 7:30-9:30 PM - FREE evening presentation
324 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041
FREE but call to reserve your seat: (650) 988-9800
For millennia, human beings have formed circles to sing and dance together.
The healing power of sound and movement is part of our human inheritance to help us raise our frequencies and experience Oneness with our Divine Source.
Angel mediator Geneviève Vulser and her singing children and grandchildren from Germany, offer you an opportunity to reconnect with the Divine through the joy of singing and dancing together, even if you believe you can neither sing nor dance!
Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 1:00 - 4:00 PM - Workshop
324 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041
$45 thru Aug 20, $55 day of
Call to reserve your seat for the workshop: (650) 988-9800
Have you always wished to connect with your Angels and Divine Source?
This workshop is your opportunity! When we get together, Angels envelop us in their loving support.
Angel Mediator Geneviève Vulser and her musical family from Germany invite you to discover the joy we generate when we sing and join in circle dancing together with our Angels.
Join us and learn how to connect with the higher dimensions of Being and create a New You!
Let us dance our Planet back into JOY!
My wonderful friend and astrologer, Judith Royal and I have been talking about the amazing synchronicity between what the Angels are saying and what the astrological signs point to right now--at this critical evolutionary turning point.
Please join us at EAST-WEST BOOKSTORE in Mountain View
on Saturday, June 18 and Sunday, June 19!
Judith & Geneviève - Messengers for the Angels & the stars
East West Bookshop: Saturday evening June 18
Messages of Angels are Written in the Stars, to help us co-create Heaven on Earth ~ An Introduction
7:30pm • Free, but call to reserve a seat*
Would you like to pause a moment to wish upon a star, and connect with your Angels in a cirrus cloud? Angel mediator Geneviève Vulser is joined by archetypal astrologer Judith Royal to bring you an earthly experience of your heavenly Self. Gifted with a direct connection to the Angelic Kingdom since childhood, Geneviève invites you to re-discover the healing power of Divine Love. Judith interprets the patterns of the stars for you through the lens of Jungian psychology and the mythological backstories of the planets. Together, the synergy of their combined skills opens a new frontier of knowledge--an alchemical elixir for a happy life. www.HeavenOnEarthNetwork.org or www.JudithRoyal.com. BONUS: A chance to win 1 of 3 transformational gifts! See Sunday workshop June 19
Sunday afternoon June 19
Messages of Angels are Written in the Stars ~ A Practical Workshop
1-4:00pm • $55 thru June 12, $65 day of
What the Angels dream for you by far exceeds what you have dreamed for yourself. A magnificent destiny is written for you in the language of stars. Learn how to invoke the help of your Angels, and give them a To-Do list. Activate the archetype of your Sun sign and direct its purposeful power. Join Geneviève Vulser, Angel mediator, and Judith Royal, archetypal astrologer, as they offer you practical tools to communicate with your heavenly Self while going about the business of living here on earth. The music of the spheres, the voice of Angels, the sacred geometry in astrology all lead to the same glorious Truth. www.HeavenOnEarthNetwork.org and www.JudithRoyal.com. See free evening lecture June 18th
*East West Bookshop 324 Castro Street Mountain View, CA 94041
To reserve tickets, call 650-988-9800,
or buy online:http://www.eastwest.com/events_2016_june#18a
starting on Monday, June 6, 2016
from 7 to 9:30 pm!
Are you ready to raise your frequencies and prepare yourself for the New Earth?
We find ourselves in an accelerated mode of transformation on our beloved Planet as we leave behind the old 3-dimensional ways, and make ourselves ready to step into the 5th dimensional experience,
evolving again as beings of Love, Compassion, Cooperation & Unity.
We are finally reaching the end of an old paradigm of seemingly unending struggle between the Light and the dark forces.
The forces of Light are winning.
How do we best manage these challenging times?
How can we prepare ourselves and evolve spiritually with our Planet?
How can we hold a vision of hope in spite of all the chaos around us?
How can we believe that we are truly heading toward a joyful future in which all life on the Planet will blossom
as we create Heaven on Earth?
With the help of our Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters,
we will give answers to all of these questions and more
during the new 4-week class I am offering at The Lighthouse:
"Your Pathway To Ascension"
starting on Monday, June 6th, 2016 from 7 to 9:30 pm.
This class will offer you tools to raise your frequency, develop your intuition,
connect with your Angels and Ascended Masters who accompany you on
your Path to Ascension, and rediscover your Divine potential.
Each class will offer you a recorded guided Meditation,
inspired from the ancient Mystery Schools
The following classes will be held on:
Monday, June 13th
Monday, June 20th
Monday, June 27th
Contact Geneviève per email at gvulser@gmail for registration
or more information on the workshop!
In June, we celebrate the Summer Solstice!
Summer begins with the Solstice on June 20 at 6:34 am EDT.
Let us welcome the summer and all the beauty Nature brings us during this magnificent season, wherever we are on the planet!
The sun reaches its northernmost point of the equator at the time of the summer solstice and heralds the arrival of the summer for our Northern hemisphere.
The sun is higher in the sky.
Its rays strike our mother Earth at a more direct angle,
thus bringing more light and warmth,
creating what we call the season of "summer"!
Let us receive the Balance and Harmony the Universe is offering us!
Let us open our hearts to the Light, the Love that are now flowing to us to createthe NEW EARTH,
We are at the time of the Shift!
Let us all co-create Heaven On Earth!
Saturday, June 18 and Sunday, June 19, 2016
Judith Royal and Geneviève Vulser
share with you the science of the Stars with the Love of the Angels!
East West Bookshop:
Saturday evening June 18 at 7:30 pm
Messages of Angels are Written in the Stars, to help us co-create Heaven on Earth ~ An Introduction
7:30pm • Free, but call to reserve a seat*
Would you like to pause a moment to wish upon a star, and connect with your Angels in a cirrus cloud? Angel mediator Geneviève Vulser is joined by archetypal astrologer Judith Royal to bring you an earthly experience of your heavenly Self. Gifted with a direct connection to the Angelic Kingdom since childhood, Geneviève invites you to re-discover the healing power of Divine Love. Judith interprets the patterns of the stars for you through the lens of Jungian psychology and the mythological backstories of the planets. Together, the synergy of their combined skills opens a new frontier of knowledge--an alchemical elixir for a happy life.
www.HeavenOnEarthNetwork.org or www.JudithRoyal.com.
BONUS: A chance to win 1 of 3 transformational gifts! See Sunday workshop June 19
East West Bookshop: Sunday afternoon June 19
from 1 to 4 pm
Messages of Angels are Written in the Stars ~ A Practical Workshop
1- 4:00pm • $55 thru June 12, $65 day of
What the Angels dream for you by far exceeds what you have dreamed for yourself. A magnificent destiny is written for you in the language of the stars. Learn how to invoke the help of your Angels, and give them a To-Do list. Activate the archetype of your Sun sign and direct its purposeful power. Join Geneviève Vulser, Angel mediator, and Judith Royal, archetypal astrologer, as they offer you practical tools to communicate with your heavenly Self while going about the business of living here on earth. The music of the spheres, the voice of Angels, the sacred geometry in astrology all lead to the same glorious Truth.
and www.JudithRoyal.com.
See free evening lecture June 18th
*East West Bookshop
324 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
To reserve tickets, call 650-988-9800,
or buy online:http://www.eastwest.com/events_2016_june#18a
The Wisdom and Intuition Network
Monday, June 13, 2016 at 12 Noon Pacific time,
3 pm EST & 9 pm European time
Monday, June 13, 2016
at 12 Noon Pacific, 3 PM Eastern, 9 PM Europe
ONLINE WIN WEBINAR - The Wisdom and Intuition Network
Monday, June 13, 2016
at 12 Noon Pacific, 3 PM Eastern, 9 PM Europe
To attend per webcast, visit: http://iTeleseminar.com/85584270
To attend by Phone - Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (805) 367-3009
Guest Pin code : 677086#
Join the meditation on June 13th and feel the amazing power of the Light
to transform and heal any negative energy you may have have been holding to. It is time to create the NEW YOU!
Time for LOVE,
time for co-creation, cooperation and Oneness in the Light!
Call and ask Geneviève and her Angels your personal questions!
It is her honor to serve you in the highest way possible.
Do feel free to send your questions per webcast before the show if you cannot attend at the time of the webinar: you will receive your answers through the replay!
with your Angels' loving guidance!
Come meet your Angels
and bring HEALING into all areas of your life!
Geneviève offers a wide variety of Healing Sessions for individuals, partners, children or for your pets, all of which are aimed at helping you regain a higher level of well-being, whether your needs are of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature.
Sessions are held in person at The Lighthouse, on the phone or on Skype
in English, French or German.
You have a choice of:
- An Angel Session,
- A Reïki Treatment,
- A Hypnotherapy session
- A Regression into a Past - or Future! - Life,
- A Tarot Reading,
- A Mediumistic Communication With Your Loved Ones
- A communication with your beloved pet
- NEW! A private Angel Workshop hosted at your home, especially for your family and friends who are eager to know more about Angels!
Check out my website for more information on each form of treatment:
To schedule your personal session, and/or offer a treatment or a session
to your friends and family members,
contact Geneviève at: gvulser@gmail.com or call: 650-714-7536
The next Angel Circles will be held in June:
1. Thursday, June 9th: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ The Lighthouse in Redwood City
2. Wednesday, June 22nd: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ Rama's in Palo Alto
Join us for an evening of deep reconnection with the Divine in the company of our Angels. Enjoy the Guided Meditation!
Join the bi-monthly Angel Circles and bring magic into your life!
When we open ourselves to our Angels' loving support, our life is transformed!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
Energy exchange: $20 at the door
starting on Monday, June 6, 2016 from 7 to 9:30 pm!
Are you ready to raise your frequencies and prepare yourself for the New Earth?
We find ourselves in an accelerated mode of transformation on our beloved Planet as we leave behind the old 3-dimensional ways, and make ourselves ready to step into the 5th dimensional experience,
evolving again as beings of
Love, Compassion, Cooperation & Unity.
We are finally reaching the end of an old paradigm of seemingly unending struggle between the Light and the dark forces.
The forces of Light are winning.
How do we best manage these challenging times?
How can we prepare ourselves and evolve spiritually with our Planet?
How can we hold a vision of hope in spite of all the chaos around us?
How can we believe that we are truly heading toward
a joyful future in which all life on the Planet will blossom
as we create Heaven on Earth?
With the help of our Angels and Ascended Masters,
we will give answers to all of these questions and more
during the new 4-week class I am offering at The Lighthouse:
"Your Pathway To Ascension"
starting on Monday, June 6th, 2016 from 7 to 9:30 pm.
This class will offer you tools to raise your frequency, develop your intuition,
connect with your Angels and Ascended Masters who accompany you on
your Path to Ascension, and rediscover your Divine potential.
Each class will offer you a recorded guided Meditation,
inspired from the ancient Mystery Schools
The following classes will be held on:
Monday, June 13th
Monday, June 20th
Monday, June 27th
with Attunements & Certificates according to Dr. Mikao Usui's tradition
Saturday, June 9, 2016 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
During the Reïki 2nd Degree class, you will receive the 3 Reïki symbols that allow you to empower yourself even more as a channel for the healing energies of Reïki. One of the symbols gives you the possibility to send amazingly powerful long-distance healing to whoever is in need and has no possibility to be present locally.
An extremely empowering class!
A 1-year class with monthly meetings, starting Saturday, June 25, 2016
A truly transformational class, a class of Mastery and Enlightenment!
Please, contact Geneviève if you are interested: gvulser@gmail.com
Following the Usui tradition, you need to have received the 1st and 2nd Degree attunements in order to be able to join the Master Class.
All Reïki classes are held at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
You will receive a Certificate as a Reïki Practitioner in the tradition of
Dr. Mikao Usui at the end of each class.
All Reïki classes offer a possibility to practice on yourself as well as on each other.
A lunch break gives all participants time to share.
Please contact Geneviève at gvulser@gmail.com
or call 650-714-7536 for more information!
Join us for the Reïki Practice on Tuesday, June 7th
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
Whether you already received your Reïki attunements, or are simply interested in discovering the amazing healing power of Reïki, do join the practice! You are welcome!
Bring your friends and family members who are interested!
While seemingly treating the body,
a Reïki treatment is truly a gift for your Soul!
Treat yourself to Reïki
and re-discover the power of HEALING LOVE!
Please RSVP to let me know if you intend to attend the Reïki Practice!
May is the month of Goddess Isis/Mary/Divine Mother!
Let us honor the Divine Feminine this month and ask for Her help!
Instead of trying to manage life all on our own, separated from our true Source, we have the possibility to call on Goddess Isis/Mary/ the Divine Mother. As we open ourselves to Her loving care, our own heart opens.
Whether we chose to incarnate in the masculine or in the feminine gender in this lifetime, Divine Mother's loving support is assured in every area of our life:
- our relationship with ourselves, our families, our friends, our partners,
- in our community, our professional and/or creative lives,
- in respecting the environment and all life on the Planet
- in taking good care of our health and fitness,
- and, of course, in developing always more our Spiritual life as we awaken and walk the path of Ascension.
ONLINE WIN WEBINAR - The Wisdom and Intuition Network
Monday, May 9, 2016
at 12 Noon Pacific, 3 PM Eastern, 9 PM Europe
To attend by Phone - Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (805) 367-3009
Guest Pin code : 677086#
We live at a very special time on the Planet when humanity as a whole is awakening and reaching a level of consciousness that will ultimately allow for the realization of all our dreams of Love, Peace, Oneness and Compassion.
As we aim at establishing again a level of balance and harmony between the masculine and the feminine on beloved Mother Earth, we are invited to reconnect with Divine Mother and bring the Feminine Divine back again in manifestation.
Call and ask Divine Mother and her messengers your personal questions!
It is my honor to serve you in the highest way possible.
Do feel free to send your questions in advance per webcast if you cannot attend at the time of the webinar: you will receive your answers through the replay!
To attend per webcast, visit: http://iTeleseminar.com/84313434
To attend by Phone - Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (805) 367-3009
Guest Pin code : 677086#
Local Numbers: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local/
with your Angels' loving guidance!
Come meet your Angels and bring HEALING into all areas of your life!
Geneviève offers a wide variety of Healing Sessions for individuals, partners, children or for your pets, all of which are aimed at helping you regain a higher level of well-being, whether your needs are of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature.
Sessions are held in person at The Lighthouse, on the phone or on Skype, in English, French or German.
You have a choice of:
- An Angel Session,
- A Reïki Treatment,
- A Hypnotherapy session
- A Regression into a Past - or Future! - Life,
- A Tarot Reading,
- A Mediumistic Communication With Your Loved Ones
- A communication with your beloved pet
- NEW! A private Angel Workshop hosted at your home, especially for your family and friends who are eager to know more about Angels!
Check out my website for more information on each form of treatment:
To schedule your personal session, and/or offer a treatment or a session to your friends and family members,
contact Geneviève at: gvulser@gmail.com or call: 650-714-7536
The next Angel Circles will be held in June:
1. Thursday, June 9th: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ The Lighthouse in Redwood City
2. Wednesday, June 22nd: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ Rama's in Palo Alto
Join us for an evening of deep reconnection with the Divine in the company of our Angels. Enjoy the Guided Meditation!
Join the bi-monthly Angel Circles and bring magic into your life!
When we open ourselves to our Angels' loving support, our life is transformed!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
starting on Monday, June 6, 2016 from 7 to 9:30 pm!
Are you ready to raise your frequencies and prepare yourself for the New Earth?
We find ourselves in an accelerated mode of transformation on our beloved Planet as we leave behind the old 3-dimensional ways, and make ourselves ready to step into the 5th dimensional experience, evolving again as beings of Love, Compassion, Cooperation & Unity.
We are finally reaching the end of an old paradigm of seemingly unending struggle between the Light and the dark forces. The forces of Light are winning.
How do we best manage these challenging times?
How can we prepare ourselves and evolve spiritually with our Planet?
How can we hold a vision of hope in spite of all the chaos around us?
How can we believe that we are truly heading toward a joyful future in which all life on the Planet will blossom as we create Heaven on Earth?
With the help of our Angels and Ascended Masters, we will give answers to all of these questions and more, during the new 4-week class I am offering at The Lighthouse:
"Your Pathway To Ascension"
starting on Monday, June 6th, 2016 from 7 to 9:30 pm.
This class will offer you tools to raise your frequency, develop your intuition,
connect with your Angels and Ascended Masters who accompany you on
your Path to Ascension, and rediscover your Divine potential.
Each class will offer you a recorded guided Meditation,
inspired from the ancient Mystery Schools
The following classes will be held on:
Monday, June 13th
Monday, June 20th
Monday, June 27th
with Attunements & Certificates according to Dr. Mikao Usui's tradition
Saturday, June 9, 2016 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
During the Reïki 2nd Degree class, you will receive the 3 Reïki symbols that allow you to empower yourself even more as a channel for the healing energies of Reïki. One of the symbols gives you the possibility to send amazingly powerful long-distance healing to whoever is in need and has no possibility to be present locally.
An extremely empowering class!
A 1-year class with monthly meetings, starting Saturday, June 25, 2016
A truly transformational class, a class of Mastery and Enlightenment!
Please, contact Geneviève if you are interested: gvulser@gmail.com
Following the Usui tradition, you need to have received the 1st and 2nd Degree attunements in order to be able to join the Master Class.
All Reïki classes are held at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
You will receive a Certificate as a Reïki Practitioner in the tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui at the end of each class.
All Reïki classes offer a possibility to practice on yourself as well as on each other.
A lunch break gives all participants time to share.
Please contact Geneviève at gvulser@gmail.com
or call 650-714-7536 for more information!
Join us for the Reïki Practice on Tuesday, June 7th
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
Whether you already received your Reïki attunements, or are simply interested in discovering the amazing healing power of Reïki, do join the practice! You are welcome!
Bring your friends and family members who are interested!
While seemingly treating the body, a Reïki treatment is truly a gift for your Soul!
Treat yourself to Reïki and re-discover the power of HEALING LOVE!
Please RSVP to let me know if you intend to attend the Reïki Practice: gvulser@gmail.com
A little Angel was born to our family!
April is the month of Angels!
Time to call on them and ask for their help!
- Call on Archangel Michael, the "leader" of all Angels, whenever you need help, protection, courage or confidence! Michael helps you realize your true life purpose.
- Call on Archangel Raphael for healing, whether you are seeking to heal yourself at a physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual level, or wish to help heal the world!
- Call on Archangel Gabrielle for clear communication in all forms: whether looking for clear Divine guidance, or sharing your own message with everyone around you.
- Call on Archangel Uriel, the bringer of the Light, to help you develop your intuition & transmute lower energies into the higher vibrations of Joy, Compassion and Love.
- Call on Archangel Chamuel for clarity and guidance, to manifest your soul mate relationship, resolve conflicts & bring inner peace to all relationships in your life.
- Call on Archangel Jophielle to bring beauty into your life, whether you need help to change your physical appearance, your thought patterns, or your environment.
- And call on Archangel Zadkiel when you are ready to release old attachments, forgive and develop your level of compassion in order to fulfill your soul purpose.
Feel free to call on all Archangels to receive the help you may need in any area of your life. They are there to bring you their loving support as you awaken and become always more clearly the magnificent Being of Light who you are!
with your Angels' loving guidance!
Come meet your Angels
and bring HEALING into all areas of your life!
Geneviève offers a wide variety of Healing Sessions for individuals, partners, children or for your pets, all of which are aimed at helping you regain a higher level of well-being, whether your needs are of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature.
Sessions are held in person at The Lighthouse, on the phone or on Skype in English, French or German.
You have a choice of:
- An Angel Session,
- A Reïki Treatment,
- A Hypnotherapy session
- A Regression into a Past - or Future! - Life,
- A Tarot Reading,
- A Mediumistic Communication With Your Loved Ones
- A communication with your beloved pet
- NEW! A private Angel Workshop hosted at your home, especially for your family and friends who are eager to know more about Angels!
Check out my website for more information on each form of treatment:
To schedule your personal session, and/or offer a treatment or a session to your friends and family members,
contact Geneviève at: gvulser@gmail.com or call: 650-714-7536
The Wisdom and Intuition Network
Monday, April 11th at 12 noon Pacific time,
3 pm EST & 9 pm European time
Monday, April 11, 2016
at 12 Noon Pacific, 3 PM Eastern, 9 PM Europe
In spite of appearances, we are never alone on this Planet.
Our Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters & those we call our "Deceased Loved Ones" are with us all along our incarnations and in-between lifetimes. Their role is to inspire us so we may remember our Soul purpose.
Today, we will focus very specially on the guidance we receive from beautiful Archangel Gabrielle (Notice the spelling! I will tell you more on the call!)
Call today and ask Archangel Gabrielle your personal questions!
It is my honor to serve you in the highest way possible.
To attend per webcast, visit: http://iTeleseminar.com/83019981
To attend by Phone - Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (805) 367-3009
Guest Pin code : 677086#
1. Tuesday, April 5th: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ The Lighthouse in Redwood City
2. Monday, April 18th: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ Rama's in Palo Alto
Join us for an evening of deep reconnection with the Divine in the company of our Angels. Enjoy the Guided Meditation!
Join the bi-monthly Angel Circles and bring magic into your life!
When we open ourselves to our Angels' loving support, our life is transformed!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
Energy exchange: $20 at the door
starting on Monday, June 6, 2016 at 7 pm!
Are you ready to raise your frequencies and prepare yourself for the New Earth?
We find ourselves in an accelerated mode of transformation on our beloved Planet as we leave behind the old 3-dimensional ways, and make ourselves ready to step into the 5th dimensional experience,
evolving again as beings of Love, Compassion, Cooperation & Unity.
We are finally reaching the end of an old paradigm of seemingly unending struggle between the Light and the dark forces. The forces of Light are winning.
How do we best manage these challenging times?
How can we prepare ourselves and evolve spiritually with our Planet?
How can we hold a vision of hope in spite of all the chaos around us?
How can we believe that we are truly heading toward
a joyful future in which all life on the Planet will blossom
as we create Heaven on Earth?
With the help of our Angels and Ascended Masters, we will give answers to all of these questions and more
during the new 4-week class I am offering at The Lighthouse:
"Your Pathway To Ascension"
starting on Monday, June 6th, 2016 from 7 to 9:30 pm.
This class will offer you tools to raise your frequency, develop your intuition,
connect with your Angels and Ascended Masters who accompany you on
your Path to Ascension, and rediscover your Divine potential.
Each class will offer you a recorded guided Meditation,
inspired from the ancient Mystery Schools
The following classes will be held on:
Monday, June 13, 2016
Monday, June 20, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
with Attunements & Certificates according to Dr. Mikao Usui's tradition
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
The next Reïki 2nd Degree class will be offered on Saturday, June 4, 2016
During the Reïki 2nd Degree class, you will receive the 3 Reïki symbols that allow you to empower yourself even more as a channel for the healing energies of Reïki. One of the symbols gives you the possibility to send amazingly powerful long-distance healing to whoever is in need and has no possibility to be present locally.
An extremely empowering class!
A 1-year class with monthly meetings, starting on Saturday, June 25, 2016
A truly transformational class, a class of Mastery and Enlightenment!
Please, contact Geneviève if you are interested: gvulser@gmail.com
Following the Usui tradition, you need to have received the 1st and 2nd Degree attunements in order to be able to join the Master Class.
All Reïki classes are held at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
You will receive a Certificate as a Reïki Practitioner in the tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui at the end of each class.
All Reïki classes offer a possibility to practice on yourself as well as on each other.
A lunch break gives all participants time to share.
Please contact Geneviève at gvulser@gmail.com
or call 650-714-7536 for more information!
Join us for the Reïki Practice on Monday, April 11th
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
Whether you already received your Reïki attunements, or are simply interested in discovering the amazing healing power of Reïki, do join the practice! You are welcome!
Bring your friends and family members who are interested!
While seemingly treating the body, a Reïki treatment is truly a gift for your Soul!
Treat yourself to Reïki and re-discover the power of HEALING LOVE!
Please RSVP to let me know if you intend to attend the Reïki Practice!
March 2016 @ The Lighthouse
Are you ready for a magical month full of miracles?
Please, mark your calendars for the events of your interest!
A special offer for the month of March!
Prepare yourself for the joyful energies the spring brings into our lives, and bring healing into your life!
I am offering a special discount on all Reïki treatments this month.
Your Reïki treatment can be received in person at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA, per phone or Skype.
Remember: energy is non-local. You do not even need to be physically present to receive HEALING!
Get your special $25 spring discount and receive a 1-hr Reïki treatment
Treat yourself to a Reïki healing session or give the gift of a Reïki treatment to your friends and loved ones!
A new 4-week class for Lightworkers!
Are you ready to raise your frequencies and prepare yourself for the New Earth?
We find ourselves in an accelerated mode of transformation on our beloved Planet as we leave behind the old 3-dimensional ways, and make ourselves ready to step into the 5th dimensional experience, evolving again as beings of Love, Compassion, Cooperation & Unity.
We are finally reaching the end of an old paradigm of seemingly unending struggle between the Light and the dark forces.The forces of the Light are winning.
How do we best manage these challenging times?
How can we prepare ourselves and evolve spiritually with our Planet?
How can we hold a vision of hope in spite of all the chaos around us?
How can we believe that we are truly heading toward a joyful future in which all life on the Planet will blossom as we create Heaven on Earth?
With the help of our Angels and Ascended Masters, we will give answers to all of these questions and more during the new 4-week class I am offering at The Lighthouse:
"Your Pathway To Ascension"
starting on Friday, March 18th from 7 to 9:30 pm.
This class will offer you tools to raise your frequency, develop your intuition,
connect with your Angels and Ascended Masters who accompany you on
your Path to Ascension, and rediscover your Divine potential.
Each class will offer you a recorded guided Meditation,
inspired from the ancient Mystery Schools
The following classes will be held on:
Friday, March 25th
Friday, April 1st
Friday, April 8th
This year again, the Angels have been invited to the French Fair in Palo Alto!
Join us on Saturday, March 19th from 10 am to6 pm!
The event will be held at Lucie Stern Community Center
1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301
The 11th French Fair, the largest event in the Bay Area devoted to
French culture, food, and fashion.
Over 50 vendors await you at the French Fair!
The mission of the French Fair is to help promote French businesses,
and to give their adopted community the opportunity to learn more about their country, its culture, history and products.
Come enjoy yourself!
Invite your friends and family members and come play with Geneviève and her Angels!
More information on: www.frenchfair.org
Online WIN webinar
The Wisdom and Intuition Network
Monday, March 14th at 12 noon Pacific time, 3 pm EST & 9 pm European time
Celebrating The Spring With Our Angels!
Life presents itself in cycles. Let us welcome the new cycle of re-birth and awakening that is offered to us this month with the arrival of the Spring. We have the opportunity to let go of the old, and, on a blank slate, create a new life!
Do call and ask your questions to your Angels!
It is always my honor to have you on the call!
To attend per webcast, visit: http://iTeleseminar.com/80743728
To attend by Phone - Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (805) 367-3009
Guest Pin code : 677086#
1. Friday, March 4th: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ The Lighthouse in Redwood City
2. Monday, March 21st: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ Rama's in Palo Alto
Join us for an evening of deep reconnection with the Divine in the company of our Angels. Enjoy the Guided Meditation!
Join the bi-monthly Angel Circles and bring magic into your life!
When we open ourselves to our Angels' loving support, our life is transformed!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
Please, note the change of class times!
with Attunements & Certificates
according to Dr. Mikao Usui's tradition
REÏKI 2nd Degree Class
Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
During the Reïki 2nd Degree class, you will receive the 3 Reïki symbols that allow you to empower yourself even more as a channel for the healing energies of Reïki. One of the symbols gives you the possibility to send amazingly powerful long-distance healing to whoever is in need and has no possibility to be present locally.
An amazingly empowering class!
REÏKI 3rd Dregree Class - Master Class
A 1-year class with monthly meetings, starting in April 2016
from 10 am to 2:00 pm
A truly transformational class, a class of Mastery, a class of Enlightenment!
Please, contact Geneviève if you are interested: gvulser@gmail.com
Following the Usui tradition, you need to have received the 1st and 2nd Degree attunements in order to be able to join the Master Class.
All Reïki classes are held at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
You will receive a Certificate as a Reïki Practitioner in the tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui at the end of each class.
All Reïki classes offer a possibility to practice on yourself as well as on each other.
A lunch break gives all participants time to share.
Please contact Geneviève at gvulser@gmail.com
or call 650-714-7536 for more information!
Join us for the Reïki Practice on Tuesday, March 22nd
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
Whether you already received your Reïki attunements, or are simply interested in discovering the amazing healing power of Reïki, do join the practice! Everyone is welcome!
Bring your friends and family members who are interested!
While seemingly treating the body, a Reïki treatment is truly a gift for your Soul!
Treat yourself to Reïki and re-discover the power of HEALING LOVE!
Please RSVP to let me know if you intend to attend the Reïki Practice!
Geneviève offers a wide variety of Healing Sessions for individuals, partners, children or for your pets, all of which are aimed at helping you regain a higher level of well-being, whether your needs are of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature.
Sessions are held in person at The Lighthouse, on the phone or on Skype in English, French or German.
You will be able to choose:
- An Angel Session,
- A Reïki Treatment,
- A Hypnotherapy session
- A Regression into a Past - or Future! - Life,
- A Tarot Reading,
- A Mediumistic Communication With Your Loved Ones
- A communication with your beloved pets
- NEW! a private Angel Workshop hosted at your home, especially for your family and friends who are eager to know more about Angels! Receive a free House Clearing when booking this event!
Check out my website for more information on each form of treatment:
To schedule your personal session, and/or offer a treatment or a session to your friends and family members,
contact Geneviève at: gvulser@gmail.com or call: 650-714-7536
Let us celebrate the power of LOVE at The Lighthouse!
Get your special $25 Valentine discount and receive a 1-hr session for $125
or a 2-hr session for only $225
during the week of February 8th to 14th!
Join us for a powerful week of JOY, HEALING & LOVE!
The Wisdom and Intuition Network
Monday, February 8th at 12 Noon Pacific Time
Call & ask your Angels how to best welcome LOVE in your life!
A FREE Monthly Online International WIN Webinar
Join Geneviève and her Angels for an exciting webinar on February 8, 2016!
To attend, visit: http://iTeleseminar.com/79467474
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (805) 367-3009
Guest Pin code : 677086#
The month of February has been celebrated all over the world as the month of Love!
With the loving support of our full Angelic team,
let us BE LOVE and WELCOME LOVE in every area of our lives!
1. Tuesday, February 9th: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ The Lighthouse in Redwood City
2. Friday, February26th: 7:30 to 9:30 pm @ Rama's in Palo Alto
Join us for an evening of deep reconnection with the Divine in the company of our Angels. Enjoy the Guided Meditation!
Join the bi-monthly Angel Circles and bring magic into your life!
When we open ourselves to our Angels' loving support, our life is transformed!
The Angel Circles offer you an opportunity to come together with like-minded souls, and walk the path to self-mastery together in the company of our Angels!
Please, note the change of class times!
with Attunements & Certificates according to Dr. Mikao Usui's tradition
REÏKI 1st Degree Class
Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 10am to 3:00 pm
Reïki is one of the most powerful and easy to learn Energy Healing methods
at our disposition on the planet!
Not only do you re-discover how to heal yourself, you also learn how to help others heal themselves for all physical, mental, emotional & spiritual needs.
REÏKI 2nd Degree Class
Saturday, March 26, 2016 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
During the Reïki 2nd Degree class, you will receive the 3 Reïki symbols that allow you to empower yourself even more as a channel for the healing energies of Reïki. One of the symbols gives you the possibility to send amazingly powerful long-distance healing to whoever is in need and has no possibility to be present locally.
An extremely empowering class!
REÏKI 3rd Dregree Class - Master Class
A 1-year class with monthly meetings, starting Saturday April 23 , 2016
from 10 am to 2:00 pm
A truly transformational class, a class of Mastery, a class of Enlightenment!
The upcoming monthly classes will be determined together with the group.
According to the Usui tradition, you need to have received the 1st and 2nd Degree attunements in order to join the Master Class.
All Reïki classes are held at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
You will receive a Certificate as a Reïki Practitioner in the tradition of
Dr. Mikao Usui at the end of each class.
All Reïki classes offer a possibility to practice on yourself as well as on each other.
A lunch break gives all participants time to share.
Please contact Geneviève at gvulser@gmail.com
or call 650-714-7536 for more information!
Join us for the Reïki Practice on Wednesday, February 17th
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at The Lighthouse in Redwood City, CA.
Whether you already received your Reïki attunements, or are simply interested in discovering the amazing healing power of Reïki, do join the practice! Everyone is welcome!
Bring your friends and family members who are interested!
While seemingly treating the body, a Reïki treatment is truly a gift for your Soul!
Treat yourself to Reïki and re-discover the power of HEALING LOVE!
Geneviève offers a wide variety of Healing Sessions for individuals, partners, children or for your pets, all of which are aimed at helping you regain a higher level of well-being, whether your needs are of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual nature.
Sessions are held in person at The Lighthouse, on the phone or on Skype
in English, French or German.
Your Angels will guide you towards:
an Angel Session,
a Reïki Treatment,
a Hypnotherapy session
a Regression into a Past - or Future! - Life,
a Tarot Reading,
a Mediumistic Communication With Your Loved Ones or your Pets
NEW! a private Angel Workshop hosted at your home,
especially for your family and friends who are eager to know more about Angels!
- Receive a free House Clearing when booking this event! -
Book your personal session offer a treatment or a session to your friends and family members!
Contact Geneviève at: gvulser@gmail.com
or call: 650-714-7536 to schedule your session
Welcome to the Year 2016, a 9 Year of Completion and Celebration!
The Wisdom and Intuition Network
Call & ask your Angels what the New Year holds for you in specific areas of your life!
Monday, January 11th at 12 Noon Pacific Time
A FREE Monthly Online International WIN Webinar
Join Geneviève and her Angels for an exciting webinar for the New Year 2016!
January is the best month of the year to receive a reading from our beloved Angels! As we make our new resolutions for the upcoming year, we will ask for our Angels' help and learn new tools for you to establish an always clearer communication with your beloved team of guidance!
To attend, visit: http://iTeleseminar.com/78824874
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary dial in number: (805) 367-3009
Guest Pin code : 677086#
Friday, January 22nd 2016 at 7:30 pm
Free but call to reserve a seat: 650-988-9800
Friday, January 22
Co-Creating Heaven on Earth with Our Angels
7:30pm * Free, but call to reserve a seat
Are you ready to live in and co-create a world of love and oneness? As humanity adapts to a higher level of awareness, our beloved Angels are delighted to guide us toward the precious gift of mastership and illumination. It’s time to let go of the old memories of limitation and bondage, to remember how powerful we are, and to co-create again Heaven on Earth. Gifted with a direct connection to the Angelic Kingdom since childhood, Geneviève Vulser invites you tonight to re-discover the healing power of Divine Love with the help of our Angels. www.HeavenOnEarthNetwork.org See workshop, Jan 24
Sunday, January 24th 2016 from 1 to 4 pm